Choosing a Domain Suffix

There are a number of possible choices for a suffix for your domain name, depending on where you are resident, whether you are an individual or an organisation, and the type of organisation.

We can register just about any suffix. If what you want isn't here, just ask.

Suffix Who can use it? Registration Cost Registration Time
.com, .net The most popular international suffixes, available to individuals and organisations alike 29 euros anual Registered immediately
.net Special requirements - check with us for more details
.org Organisations
.ie Apparently anyone 100 Irish pounds -
.lu Any organisation or firm 2000.- FLUX setup + 3000.- FLUX yearly -
.gi Anyone £100 sterling, covering the first two years, then £50 a year - Anyone $US 100 covering the first two years, then $50 a year -
Enterprises and organisations based in the UK £100 sterling, covering the first two years, then £50 a year - Australian commercial enterprises $100 AUD 10 days New Zealand commercial enterprises $NZ 20 one time Registration Fee
$NZ 16 yearly Statement Fee
$NZ 50 yearly Maintenance Fee
- New Zealand individuals, and for general purposes